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List of E/CRC Publications

Journal Articles

  • Othayq, Mazen M., Bilal, Faris S., Sedrez, Thiana A., Shirazi, Siamack A., “Experimental and numerical assessments on solid particle erosion in upward vertical-horizontal and horizontal-vertical downward elbows for multiphase and gas-sand flows,” Wear, 524–525 (2023) pp. 204812.

  • Vieira, R. E., Darihaki, F., Shirazi, S. A., “Modeling of Sand Transport and Elbow Erosion in Horizontal Two-Phase Slug Flow,” Wear, 523 (2023) pp. 204761.

  • Vieira, R. E., Shirazi, S. A., “A Mechanistic Model for Predicting Erosion in Churn Flow,” Wear 476 (2021), pp. 203654

  • Othayq, M., Haider, G., Vieira, R.E., Shirazi, S.A., “Effect of distance between two elbows in series on erosion for gas-sand conditions,” Wear, 476 (2021) pp. 203618.

  • Haider, G., Othayq, M., Zhang, J., Vieira, R.E., Shirazi, S.A., “Effect of particle size on erosion measurements and predictions in annular flow for an elbow,” Wear, 476 (2021) pp. 203579.

  • Sedrez, T.A., Shirazi, S.A., “Erosion evaluation of elbows in series with different configurations,” Wear, 476 (2021) pp. 203683.

  • Bilal, F.S., Sedrez, T.A., Shirazi, S.A., “Experimental and CFD investigations of 45 and 90 degrees bends and various elbow curvature radii effects on solid particle erosion,” Wear, 476 (2021) pp. 203646.

  • Darihaki, F., Zhang, J., Vieira, R.E., Shirazi, S.A., “The near-wall treatment for solid particle erosion calculations with CFD under gas and liquid flow conditions in elbows,” Advanced Powder Technology, 32 (2021) pp. 1663-1676.

  • Pouraria, H., Darihaki, F., Park, K.H., Shirazi, S.A. and Seo, Y. “CFD modelling of the influence of particle loading on erosion using dense discrete particle model,” Wear, p.203450 (2020).

  • Sedrez, T. A., Shirazi, S. A.; “Erosion of elbows in series for liquid-dominated multiphase flows: a CFD and experimental analysis”, Multiphase Science and Technology 32 (2020), n. 1, pp. 1–23.

  • Darihaki, F., Zhang, J., & Shirazi, S. A. “Solid particle erosion in gradual contraction geometry for a gas-solid system,” Wear, 426, 643-651 (2019).

  • Zhang, J., Darihaki, F., & Shirazi, S. A. “A comprehensive CFD-based erosion prediction for sharp bend geometry with examination of grid effect,” Wear, 430, 191-201 (2019).

  • Sedrez, T. A., Shirazi, S. A., Rajkumar, Y. R., Sambath, K., Subramani, H. J.; “Experiments and CFD simulations of erosion of a 90° elbow in liquid-dominated liquid-solid and dispersed-bubble-solid flows”, Wear 426-427 (2019), pp. 570–580.

  • Haider, G; Arabnejad, H; Shirazi, SA; Mclaury, BS ; “A mechanistic model for stochastic rebound of solid particles with application to erosion predictions”, Wear 379 (2017) pp 615-624

  • Kesana, N., Parsi, M., Vieira, R. E., Azzopardi, B., McLaury, B. S., Shirazi, S. A., Schleicher, E., & Hampel, U. “Visualization of gas-liquid multiphase pseudo-slug flow using Wire-Mesh Sensor,” Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 46 (2017), pp. 477-490.

  • Vieira, R. E., Parsi, M., Zahedi, P., McLaury, B. S., Shirazi, S. A., “Sand erosion measurements under multiphase annular flow conditions in a horizontal-horizontal elbow," Powder Technology, 320 (2017) pp. 625–636.

  • Karimi, S., Shirazi S. A., McLaury B.; “Predicting fine particle erosion utilizing computational fluid dynamics”, Wear 376-377 Part B (2017), pp.1130-1137.

  • Parsi, M., Azzopardi, B.J., Al-Sarkhi, A., Kesana, N., Vieira, R. E., Torres, C.F., McLaury, B. S., Shirazi, S. A., Schleicher, E., & Hampel, U., “Do huge waves exist in gas-liquid flow in horizontal pipes?,” International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 96 (2017), pp. 1–23.

  • Vieira, R. E., Parsi, M., Zahedi, P., McLaury, B. S., Shirazi, S. A., “Electrical Resistance Probe Measurements of Solid Particle Erosion in Multiphase Annular Flow,” Wear, 382-383 (2017) pp. 15–28.

  • Vieira, R. E., Parsi, M., Zahedi, P., McLaury, B. S., Shirazi, S. A., “Ultrasonic Measurements of Sand Particle Erosion Under Upward Multiphase Annular Flow Conditions in a Vertical-Horizontal Bend,” International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 93 (2017), pp. 48–62.

  • Vieira, R. E., Mansouri, A., McLaury, B. S., Shirazi, S. A., “Experimental and Computational Study of Erosion in Elbows Due to Sand Particles in Air Flow,” Powder Technology, 288 (2016), pp. 339–353.

  • Parsi, M., Agrawal, M., Srinivasan, V., Vieira, R. E., Torres, C. F., McLaury, B. S., Shirazi, S. A., Schleicher, E., & Hampel U., “Assessment of a Hybrid CFD Model for Simulation of Complex Vertical Upward Gas-Liquid Churn Flow,” Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 105 (2016), pp. 71–84.

  • Mansouri, A., Arabnejad, H., Karimi, S., Shirazi, S., McLaury, B.; “Improved CFD modeling and validation of erosion damage due to fine sand particles”, Wear 338-339 (2015), pp. 339-350.

  • Parsi, M., Agrawal, M., Srinivasan, V., Vieira, R. E., Torres, C. F., McLaury, B. S., Shirazi, S. A., “CFD Simulation of Sand Particle Erosion in Gas-Dominant Multiphase Flow,” Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering, 27 (2015), pp. 706–718.

  • Vieira, R. E., Parsi, M., Torres, C. F., McLaury, B. S., Shirazi, S. A., Schleicher, E., & Hampel, U., “Experimental Characterization of Downward Vertical Annular Flows using Wire-Mesh Sensor,” Chemical Engineering Science, 134 (2015), pp. 324–339.

  • Parsi, M., Vieira, R. E., Torres, C. F., Kesana, N. R., McLaury, B. S., Shirazi, S. A., Schleicher, E., & Hampel U., “Experimental Study of Interfacial Structures Within Churn Flow Using a Dual Wire-Mesh Sensor,” International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 73 (2015), pp. 155–170.

  • Parsi, M., Vieira, R. E., Torres, C. F., Kesana, N. R., McLaury, B. S., Shirazi, S. A., Schleicher, E., & Hampel U., “On the Effect of Liquid Viscosity on Interfacial Structures within Churn Flow: Experimental Study using Wire Mesh Sensor,” Chemical Engineering Science, 130 (2015), pp. 221–238.

  • Parsi, M., Vieira, R. E., Kesana, N. R., McLaury, B. S., Shirazi, S. A., “Ultrasonic Measurements of Sand Particle Erosion in Gas Dominant Multiphase Flow,” Wear, 328–329 (2015), pp. 401–413.

  • Vieira, R. E., Parsi, M., Torres, C. F., McLaury, B. S., Shirazi, S. A., Schleicher, E., & Hampel, U., “Experimental Characterization of Vertical Gas-Liquid Pipe Flow for Annular and Liquid-Loading Conditions using Wire-Mesh Sensor,” Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 64 (2015), pp. 81–93.

  • Vieira, R. E., Kesana, N., Torres, C. F., McLaury, B. S., Shirazi, S. A., Schleicher, E., & Hampel, U., “Experimental Investigation of The Effect of 90° Standard Elbow on Horizontal Gas-Liquid Stratified and Annular Flow using Dual Wire-Mesh Sensor,” Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 59 (2014), pp. 72–87.

  • Vieira, R. E., Kesana, N., Torres, C. F., McLaury, B., Shirazi, S. A., Schleicher, E., & Hampel, U., “Experimental Investigation of Horizontal Gas-Liquid Stratified and Annular Flow using Wire-Mesh Sensor,” ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, 136 (12), December, 2014.

  • Kesana, N., Vieira, R. E., McLaury, B.S., Shirazi, S., “Experimental Study of Sand Particle Concentration Profiles in Straight and Pipe Elbow for Horizontal Multiphase Flow,” ASME Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 136 (3), March, 2014.

Conference Proceedings

  • Vieira, R.E., Shirazi, S.A., Li, J. “Application of Machine Learning Techniques for Sand Erosion Prediction for Elbows in Multiphase Flow,”C2023-18995, Proceedings of the AMPP Conference Meeting, Denver, CO, March 19-23, 2023.

  • Shirazi, S.A., Darihaki, F., Sedrez T., Vieira R.E., Zhang J., Karimi, S., Arabnejad, H. “Wonderful World of Solid Particle Erosion and Challenges in Erosion Testing and Modeling,” C2023-19003, Proceedings of the AMPP Conference Meeting, Denver, CO, March 19-23, 2023.

  • Othayq, M., Darihaki, F., Vieira, R.E., Shirazi, S.A., “Experimental Study of the Effect of Particle Size on Erosion of Elbows in Series for Annular Gas-Liquid Flows,” C2023-19098, Proceedings of the AMPP Conference Meeting, Denver, CO, March 19-23, 2023.

  • Othayq, Mazen M., Bilal, Faris S., Darihaki, Farzin, Vieira, Ronald E., Karimi, Soroor, Siamack A. Shirazi., “Experimental and Numerical Studies on the Influence of Particle Sizes on Erosion of Elbows in Series in Gas-Solid and Multiphase Flow Conditions,” Proceedings of the AMPP Conference Meeting, Denver, CO, March 19-23, 2023.

  • Bilal, Faris S., Othayq, Mazen M., Nadeem, Asad, Siamack A. Shirazi. “Experimental Investigation of Solid Particle Erosion for Long Radius Elbows in Gas-Solid Flow.” Proceedings of the AMPP Conference Meeting, Denver, CO, March 19-23, 2023.

  • Darihaki, F., Vieira, R.E., Shirazi, S.A., “Evaluation of Mechanistic Models and Correlations for Predicting Solid Particle-Induced Erosion under Various Flow Regimes,” C2023-19084, Proceedings of the AMPP Conference Meeting, Denver, CO, March 19-23, 2023.

  • Vieira, R.E., Shirazi, S.A., “Uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis of semi-mechanistic models for sand erosion in elbows for single and multiphase flows,” FEDSM2022- 79746, Proceedings of ASME 2022 Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting, Toronto, Canada, August 1-3, 2022.

  • Bilal, F.S., Othayq, M.M., Sedrez, T.A., Shirazi, S.A., “Experimental and numerical study on solid particle erosion of standard elbows in dispersed-bubble flow,” Proceedings of ASME 2022 Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting, Toronto, Canada, August 1-3, 2022.

  • Othayq, M.M., Bilal, F.S., Sedrez, T.A., Shirazi, S.A., “Numerical and experimental investigations of the effect of distance between two elbows in series in gas-solid flows on solid particle erosion,” Proceedings of ASME 2022 Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting, Toronto, Canada, August 1-3, 2022.

  • Sedrez, T.A., Shirazi, S.A., “The effect of phase interaction forces and particle rotation on solid particle erosion in liquid-solid and liquid-gas-solid flows,” Proceedings of ASME 2022 Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting, Toronto, Canada, August 1-3, 2022.

  • Haider, G., Sedrez, T.A., Shirazi, S.A., “A CFD study of the effect of sand particle size on erosion of an elbow for annular flow,” Proceedings of ASME 2022 Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting, Toronto, Canada, August 1-3, 2022

  • Darihaki, F., Zhang, J., Vieira, R.E., Shirazi, S.A., “Introduction of a trajectory-based mechanistic model to multiphase flows for predicting solid particle erosion in elbows,” Proceedings of 52nd Annual PSIG Conference, San Diego, CA, May 10-13, 2022.

  • Vieira, R. E., Sedrez, T.A., Shirazi, S. A., Silva G., “Multiphase Flow in Circular and Triangular Pipes: Examining Flow Characteristics, Sand Erosion and Heat Transfer Via CFD and Experimental Work,” Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference, Abu Dhabi, UAE, November, 2021.

  • Othayq, M., Haider, G., Vieira, R.E., Shirazi, S.A., “Experimental Study of the Effect of Particle Size on Erosion of Elbows in Series for Annular Gas-Liquid Flows,” FEDSM2021-64375, Proceedings of ASME 2021 Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting, Online, Virtual, August 10-12, 2021.

  • Haider, G., Othayq, M., Shirazi, S. A., “Experimental and numerical investigation of small particle erosion in gas dominated multiphase flow,” Proceedings of ASME 2021 Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting, Online, Virtual, August 10-12, 2021.

  • Fallah Shojaie, E., Sedrez, T.A.; Darihaki, F., Shirazi, S. A., “Uncertainty estimation in CFD simulations of erosion for elbows,” Proceedings of the ASME 2021 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, Virtual, Online, August 10-12, 2021.

  • Sedrez, T. A., Shirazi, S. A.; “Sand particle concentration distribution inside vertical pipes: a CFD and experimental analysis”, Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, pp. 1-8, Orlando, Florida, USA, July 13-15, 2020.

  • Rajkumar, Y.R., Shirazi, S.A., Karimi, S., “Particle size and concentration effects on solid particle erosion with PIV measurements of particle velocities,” In ASME 2020 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, July 12-16, 2020, Orlando, Florida, USA.

  • Wang Q., Huang Q., Sun X., Zhang J., Karimi S., Shirazi S., “Large eddy simulation of slurry erosion in submerged impinging jets,” FEDSM2020-20302, In ASME 2020 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, July 12-16, 2020, Orlando, Florida, USA.

  • Wang Q., Huang Q., Sun X., Zhang J., Karimi S., Shirazi S., “Evaluation of erosion equations in submerged impinging jets,” FEDSM2020-20255, In ASME 2020 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, July 12-16, 2020, Orlando, Florida, USA.

  • SEDREZ, T.A.; SHIRAZI, S. A.. 2020. Sand particle concentration distribution inside vertical pipes: A CFD and experimental analysis. In Proceedings of the ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, Orlando, USA 2020.

  • Chochua, G., Parsi, M., Zhang, Y., Zhang, J., Sedrez, T., Karimi, S., Darihaki, F., Edwards, J., Arabnejad, H., Agrawal, M., Asgharpour, A., Vieira, R.E., Zahedi, P., Gharaibahj, E., Shirazi, S.A. “A Review of Various Guidelines for Predicting Solid Particle Erosion Using Computational Fluid Dynamics Codes,” Fluid-Induced Degradation-Corrosion, Erosion, and Their Interactions, NACE Conference 2020, Houston, Texas, March, 2020.

  • Banazadeh-Neishabouri, N.; Shirazi, S. A.; Smalley, J.; Lybarger, M.; “Assessment of Computational Fluid Dynamics for Predicting Possible Cavitation and Choked Flow Inside Excess Flow Valves”, Proceedings of the ASME 2020 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, Orlando, 2020.

  • Darihaki, F., Fallah Shojaie, E., Zhang, J., Shirazi, S. A., A “Combined CFD-Mechanistic Approach for Predicting Solid Particle Erosion in Annular Flow in Pipe Fittings and Elbows,” In ASME 2020 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, July 12-16, 2020, Orlando, Florida, USA.

  • Darihaki, F., Shirazi, S. A., & Feng, Q. “A Transient Approach for Estimating Concentration of Water Droplets in Oil and Corrosion Assessment in the Oil and Gas Industry,” In ASME-JSME-KSME 2019 8th Joint Fluids Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers Digital Collection.

  • Banazadeh-Neishabouri, N.; Shirazi, S. A.; “Erosive Wear Behavior of Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic and Polyethylene”, Proceedings of the ASME-JSME-KSME 2019 Joint Fluids Engineering Conference, San Francisco, 2019.

  • Haider, G; Asgharpour, A; Zhang, J; Shirazi, SA ; “A Statistical Approach for Modeling Stochastic Rebound Characteristics of Solid Particles” , Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting July 28–August 1, 2019 San Francisco, California, USA.

  • Zhang, J., Darihaki, F., Rajkumar, Y., Karimi, S., Shirazi, S. A.; “Erosion in sudden contractions and expansions”, Presented at NACE Corrosion 2019 Conference, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, March 24-28, 2019.

  • Sedrez, T. A., Shirazi, S. A.; “Erosion in elbows in series for liquid-dominated multiphase flows: a CFD and experimental analysis”, 10th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, pp. 1-10, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 19-24, 2019.

  • Karimi, S., Zhang, J., Shirazi, S. A., McLaury, B.; “Evaluation of the effect of particle size on erosion calculations utilizing CFD and comparison with submerged slurry jet experiments”  Proceedings of the AJKFluids (ASME-JSME-KSME) 2019 Joint Fluid Engineering Conference, San Francisco, CA, USA, July 28-Aug 1, 2019.

  • Asgharpour, A., Zahedi, P., Vieira, R. E., Parsi, M., Shirazi, S. A. & McLaury, B. S., “Investigation of churn/annular and pseudo-slug flow chracteristics before and after pipe elbows,” Proceedings of the 11th North American Conference on Multiphase Production Technology, BHR Group, Banff, Canada, June 6-8, 2018.

  • Parsi, M., Arabnejad, H., Al-Sarkhi, A., Zahedi, P., Vieira, R. E., Sharma, P., McLaury, B. S., “A New Correlation for Predicting Solid Particle Erosion Caused by Gas-Sand Flow in Elbows,” Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, TX, USA, 30 April–3 May 2018.

  • Sedrez, T. A., Rajkumar, Y. R., Shirazi, S. A., Khanouki, H. A., McLaury, B. S.; “CFD predictions and experiments of erosion of elbows in series in liquid dominated flows”, 5th Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Summer Conference, pp. 1-10, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, July 15-20, 2018.

  • Sedrez, T. A., Rajkumar, Y. R., Shirazi, S. A., Sambath, K., Subramani, H. J.;  “CFD simulations and experiments of sand erosion for liquid dominated multiphase flows in an elbow”, Proceedings of the 11th North American Conference on Multiphase Production Technology, pp. 1-12, Banff, Canada, June 6-8, 2018.

  • Karimi, S., Fulton, M., Shirazi, S. A., McLaury, B.; “Effects of fluid viscosity and impingement angle on submerged jet flowfields”, Proceedings of the ASME 2018 Fluid Engineering Division Summer Meeting, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, July 15-20, 2018.

  • Karimi, S., Mansouri, A., Shirazi, S. A., McLaury, B.; “Experimental investigation on the influence of particle size in a submerged slurry jet on erosion rates and patterns”, Proceedings of the ASME 2017 Fluid Engineering Division Summer Meeting, Waikoloa, HI, USA, July 31- Aug 3, 2017.

  • Nassef, A. S.; Banazadeh-Neishabouri, N.; Keller, M. W.; Roberts, K. P.; Rybicki, E. F.; Iski, E. V.; Shirazi, S. A.; “Comparison of Erosion Resistance of Iron Carbonate Protective Layer with Calcium Carbonate Particles versus Sand”, Society of Petroleum Engineers, Abu Dhabi, 2017.

  • Mahdavi, M., Karimi, S., Shirazi, S. A., McLaury, B.; “Parametric study of erosion under high concentrated slurry: experimental and numerical analysis”, Proceedings of the ASME 2016 Fluid Engineering Division Summer Meeting, Washington DC, USA, July 10-14, 2016.

  • Zahedi, P., Karimi, S., Mahdavi, M., McLaury, B., Shirazi, S. A.; “Parametric analysis of erosion in 90 degree and long radius bends”, Proceedings of the ASME 2016 Fluid Engineering Division Summer Meeting, Washington DC, USA, July 10-14, 2016.

  • Arabnejad, H., Sajeev, S., Guimarra, A., Vieira, R. E., Shirazi, S. A., “Experimental Study and Modeling of Sand Erosion in the Gas-Liquid Cylindrical Cyclone GLCC Separators,” SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dubai, UAE, September, 2016.

  • Zahedi, P., McLaury, B. S., Vieira, R. E., Shirazi, S. A., “Liquid Film Thickness and Erosion of Elbows in Gas-Liquid Annular Flow,” Fluid-Induced Degradation-Corrosion, Erosion, and Their Interactions, NACE Conference 2016, Vancouver, Canada, March, 2016.

  • Vieira, R. E., Sajeev, S., Kesana, N., Shirazi, S. A. & McLaury, B. S., “Experiments and Modelling of Sand Erosion in Gas-Liquid Cylindrical Cyclone Separators under Gas Production and Low-Liquid Loading Conditions,” Proceedings of 17th Multiphase Production Technology Conference, BHR Group, Cannes, France, June 10-12, 2015.

  • Parsi, M., Vieira, R. E., Agrawal, M., Srinivasa, N. V., McLaury, B. S., Shirazi, S. A., Schleicher, E., & Hampel, U., “Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Simulation of Multiphase Flow and Validating Using Wire Mesh Sensor,” Proceedings of 17th Multiphase Production Technology Conference, BHR Group, Cannes, France, June 10-12, 2015.

  • Vieira, R. E., Parsi, M., Kesana, N., Shirazi, S. A. & McLaury, B. S., “Effect of Flow Pattern and Flow Orientation on Sand Erosion in Elbows for Multiphase Flow Conditions,” Fluid-Induced Degradation-Corrosion, Erosion, and Their Interactions, NACE Conference 2015, Dallas, Texas, March, 2015.

  • Parsi, M., Vieira, R. E., Shirazi, S. A. & McLaury, B. S., “Erosion Modeling in Vertical Slug/Churn Flow,” Fluid-Induced Degradation-Corrosion, Erosion, and Their Interactions, NACE Conference 2015, Dallas, Texas, March, 2015.

  • Vieira, R. E., Parsi, M., Torres, C. F., McLaury, B. S., Shirazi, S. A., Schleicher, E., & Hampel, U., “Experimental Study of Vertical Gas-Liquid Pipe Flow for Annular and Liquid-Loading Conditions using Wire-Mesh Sensor,” Forum on Fluid Measurements and Instrumentation, FEDSM2014-21849, Proceedings of ASME 2014 Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, August 3-7, 2014.

  • Parsi, M., Vieira, R.E., Torres, C. F., McLaury, B. S., Shirazi, S. A., Schleicher, E., & Hampel U., “Characterizing Vertical Slug/Churn Flow Using Wire Mesh Sensor,” Forum on Fluid Measurements and Instrumentation, FEDSM2014-21678, Proceedings of ASME 2014 Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, August 3-7, 2014.

  • Vieira, R. E., Kesana N., McLaury B. S., & Shirazi S. A., “Experiments for Sand Erosion Model Improvement for Elbows in Gas Production, Low-Liquid Loading and Annular Flow Conditions,” Fluid-Induced Degradation-Corrosion, Erosion, and Their Interactions, NACE Conference 2014, San Antonio, Texas, March, 2014.

  • Kesana N., Vieira, R. E., Parsi M., McLaury B. S., & Shirazi S. A., “A Mechanistic Model for Predicting Erosion in Pseudo Slug Flow,” Fluid-Induced Degradation-Corrosion, Erosion, and Their Interactions, NACE Conference 2014, San Antonio, Texas, March, 2014.

  • Kesana, N., Vieira, R. E., Schleicher, E., McLaury, B. S., Shirazi, S., & Hampel, U., “Experimental Investigation of Slug Characteristics Through a Standard Pipe Bend,” 22nd Symposium on Industrial Flows, IMECE2013-62896, Proceedings of ASME 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, San Diego, California, November 15-21, 2013.

  • Vieira, R. E., Kesana, N., Torres, C. F., McLaury, B. S., Shirazi, S. A., Schleicher, E., & Hampel, U., “Experimental Investigation of Horizontal Gas-liquid Stratified and Annular Flow using Wire-Mesh Sensor,” 13th International Symposium on Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flows, FEDSM2013-16117, Proceedings of ASME 2013 Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting, Incline Village, Nevada, July 7-11, 2013.

  • Kesana N., Vieira, R. E., McLaury, B. S., Shirazi, S., Schleicher, E., & Hampel, U., “Experimental Study of Slug Characteristics - Implications to Sand Erosion,” 13th International Symposium on Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flows, FEDSM2013-16165, Proceedings of ASME 2013 Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting, Incline Village, Nevada, July 7-11, 2013.

  • Vieira, R. E., Torres, C. F., Gomez, L., & Shirazi, S. A., “Comparison of Models for Isothermal Unsteady Flow Calculations in Gas Pipelines,” Proceedings of ASME Early Career Technical Conference (ECTC) District E, Tulsa, Oklahoma, April 2013.

  • Vieira, R. E., Kesana, N. R., McLaury, B. S., & Shirazi, S. A., “Sand Erosion in Multiphase Flow for Low-Liquid Loading and Annular Conditions,” Recent Developments in Multiphase Flows - Multiphase Applications and Experimental Analysis of Liquid/Gas Flows, Proceedings of ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress, Houston, Texas, November, 2012.

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