Gas Jet-Impingement Facilities
Jet impingement is one of the most fundamental ways of studying the erosion of materials. In this facility, the airflow is regulated using a valve, and air velocity is measured by the barometric pressure of the flow. The compressed air is passed to the nozzle. The nozzle is designed to take in solid particles from the sand feeder at a constant flow rate. These solid particles are entrained by air to impact the target material, thus initiating the material loss of the coupon. The distance between the nozzle exit and the surface of the specimen is maintained at 0.5” (12.7 mm). The specimen holder placed on the nozzle fixture can be angled to work at different impact angles. The facility can operate with velocities up to 38 m/s exiting the nozzle. Figure 4 shows the jet-impingement chamber. This facility can be used for quick gas testing and coating testing. Particle velocities are measured with PIV as shown in Figure 5.